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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Imitation Collection, hot today, 综艺节目,下载,在线,开心,搞笑,最新,台湾综艺

The very classics (经典模仿视频小合集)

Apologize to the English-speaking guests here if you cant understand what this collection's voices. These are the very classic, very very best ones of imitation shows in the Chinese Community. Cant resist to put them here.


1. 黃燈輝模仿康康。这个看了不下十次了,每次都喷饭或喷茶。——楼主有个习惯,午餐下综艺。

2。 康康模仿秀。这个应该是第一个让我笑到不行的模仿秀。大约在四年前的事了。康康,可以称得上这几年来模仿风潮的开山鼻祖之一。

3。一个人模仿25个!! 这个应该是点击率最高的其中一个了。当时出来的时候光25这个数字就吸引了不少点击。

4。群星会S.H.E 模仿F4。这个起码有三年前了吧。。 第一次看笑到我流泪。特别是小猪那抖个不停。

5。还是S.H.E。快乐星期天 群星会 - Selina + Ella 模仿 ASOS。SHE的确是比较玩的起来

6。再来一个,Love machine-早餐少女組(羅志祥+S.H.E)

7。 快乐星期天 群星会 - Hebe + 小猪 模仿中国娃娃


8。 抓栏杆,撕床单。。。 这个楼主是2006年才看到的。看完后传给朋友无数,每个都笑得无语了。。


9。 一个女生模仿数十个歌手。这个是最近才出现的。看完后很想倒过来用头发书个狂草“服”字



11。 冯文乐-模仿四大天王——如果你经常听粤语歌,看完这个之后你会想用身体拼个“服”字

6 - Guiness, hot today, guiness record, world trip

tthe : Mix Collection

This collection is a bit messy. But yet you can still see the strong identity of Guiness. Again, they never use sex, no sexy ladies, no sexual seduction.

1. Guinness - Dreamer

2. Beers all love soccer. Guiness Commercial - African Soccer

3. For Saint Patrik's day

4. Guinness Commercial - men's 5 senses

5. Guinness Perfect Pour

witty huh.. i stared at the screen for 2 minutes wondering what the hell when this piece was first aired on TV

6. Guinness - "Quarrel"

7. and the spoof

8. Finally, this so-called never shown Guiness ad. seems from the very old days. The Guiness identity of today is not there


5 - Guiness: The Animation and Craft Collection,

Yup, Guiness loves CGs (Computer Graphics). Not just in the BIG ads, as well, they have animations.

1. Cute bears. Guinness as usual

2. The new one: Guinness Penguins 'Best Mates' Advert - Ireland, Jan 2007

3. and this one is really... witty. Guinness new ad - A Short Film Called Hands

Not so-called animation. But sort of hand craft or sth...

The following ones appeared familiar. Yup, the South Park. Similar techniqs huh

4. Guinness Commercial Brilliant!

5. Guinness - Bread- Brilliant!!

6. Guinness Suntan Brilliant

and this one.. must be spoof. I suspect the above one also was spoof.

7. George Bush and Dick Cheney...BRILLIANT!!

8. This one, used in the 50s. Old.. but .. yah.. animation

4 - Guiness: The big ads collection, hot now, china economy, china future, china youth, china girls, china new age

The TV ads of Guiness seem to be BIG for most of the time. We list some very BIG ones in the collection.

I belive you have seen this one:

1. Guiness: the Evolution

Brilliant and wow wow wow...

Guiness seem to be the rare Beer brand that seldom appear to be sexy. Sex is rarely used as the tool for promoting Guiness, in fact, I don't remember any Guiness ads using sexy ladies as attraction.

They tend to use lots of Computer Graphics

2. Guinness Advert - 1998: The Surf

and this one, full of imagination. No boundary for your imagination. Sex is not necessary for seducting. In fact, sex would somehow be harmful to Guiness's strong image. Such giant image.


Since mentioned Rutger Hauer, let's put all those his Guiness together, though some appeared not to be that BIG

4. Rutger Hauer Guinness Ad

5. Rutger Hauer Draught Guiness Commercial

6. Guinness ad Tom Crean. For the real man.

as you can see, no sex, no sexy ladies, no sexual seduction for Guiness

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