If you have realised, the ads here appeared to be rediculously unrelevant. So we decided to play a bit with this computer system, which used to do keyword ranking or something and display what it think are relevant ads here. You know what, unrelevant ads are useless, both to you - our cared-most supporter, and us, the creative ads lovers - watever to be called.
okay, so we head on to the creative funny ads, and a flowing bit of story just for the computer to read them, and get the lovely relavant supporting content - to us, ads are the supporting content as we are displaying creative ads - here.
here we go, you can just grab the videos and leave the text to the google computers, or you might find it stpidly funny to communicate with computers. :)
1. funny, creative
so we are going to talk about computers today since we decided to communicate with the google computers here. hmm.. low cost, we all love low cost and highly working computers, Dell, I am sure you might be able to find the link to Dell somewhere on this page, and yes, lenovo, the very competitor of DELL. yup, they are the giants of low cost computers. Dell, lenovo. I would be killed if you still cant find the links to anyone of them, Dell, lenovo. For God's sake, I already mentioned them so many times. Dell, lenovo. little google computer, low cost computer we are talking about, you understand? Dell, lenovo, lenovo, DELL, I bet you understand now.
2. alright, this guy here is really really dying for save some money. Money, a big matter.
Money, monetize as the word evolved, and adsense, adword, and then there're some other guys claiming that adsense is paying too little. alright, I am new here, and I am yet to explore for the truth. Money cant buy everything, but no money you buy nothing. am i off the topic, oh yes, sorry for that. think I am a bit drunk with the saved money, i mean saved drinks here. and yup, people love to see unrelavant ads, and I am a piece of money.
3. this man here is a bit.. hmm.. she is at least beautiful
okay, where am I, beauty. right, beauty is another hot topic. and beautiful babes are always popular in lots of occasions. and no matter what we are talking about, i am sure you are much interested in how to get easy money, and how to save cost for whatever, and then where to find beauties, or how to become beautiful. Yes, the love of beauty is inner virtue... wait, am i off the topic again? testing, 1, 2, 3 I am a little piece of money. Yes, we are back.
4. so they are really saving money here, even not going to buy a ...
finance is always a problem to most people, and there are lots of financial solutions, consultants or whatever you call that. and yup, finance, there's a possible way to ease certain financial problems, hosting a website, business website hosting maybe, and do a bit advertising. alright, hosting of website now is a quite easy job isn't it, but difficult to succeed as all things involving money appear to be. money money, i am a piece of money, ok, this time i am not off topic.
5. confidence is always important
hmm.. you need bring back confidence if you don't have some. look at this man, so, never stop dreaming, dare to hope, and dare to try.
okay, let's link all together, testing, 1, 2, 4, i am not a piece of money. I am not a piece of money. ok, i am back.
Money is always a financial problem in this society, and web hosting, business web hosting is a possible way to earn a bit. see the link on quite top-right of this page, "generate revenue from your site with google adsense", yup, click on it and you can try it out, it's easy to start. and trust me, difficult to sustain, and succeed. That's the challenging part. and yes, computer, you need to deal with computers. not Dell, not lenovo, not low cost, but the computer generating ads on your page.
you can always start with the click on that icon about adsense here. but there are claims that adsense is paying too little, you probably can find a link to that on this page, let me repeat to call it back: adsense is paying too little. hmm.. it should be here, to ascertain, adsense is paying too litle. ok, now you can find it.
and yah, beauty, i love beauty, more than i love money. wait... testing 1, 2, 5.. i am a piece a money, i love beauty more than i love money, i love beauty more than myself.
hmm.. probably i need a beautiful lady to be my life assistant..
Experience More About Creativity, Through Pictures and Videos
Saturday, May 19, 2007
22 - Easy, funny, online ads, mixed. fun, anime, cartoon, humour, creative
Posted by
4:02 PM
Labels: Ads, beer, Testing on Adsense